Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sweet dreams (?)


I got a good laugh over this New Orleans guest bedroom. Nothing sets the tone better for night of peaceful slumber than a big hulking vulture guarding the bed! Enjoy away, oh hapless guest!

Seriously, though, something about this idea tickles me. And I dig their antique wood bed and coverlet (and the tiny bit of the pink rug I can see). If it ever comes to the day that we have a second bedroom, I could see going down this path (Molly says no).

I did a quick search for an ominous image of my own, and found this black cat (Catus Niger) by the Renaissance naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi.

I love the way his yellow eyes are the only discernible facial features. And that there is a poor mouse literally under his right paw. I would blow this sucker up and center it prominently over the bed. Keep everything else tasteful. And savor any reactions  I got when I showed our guests to their room... ;)

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